J 4-Thc lvluthers chee to an etemall King. dome. Thou canll not porfibJy vnderfiand how greac thefe mcrcies are, but ftraight thr foule mull: ery, What ihall I do for[o gra-·ciousa God? .Allthepowers of my foule and bodie will I giue to hi~ feruice, my firn thoughts will I deo dicatc to him, likCAbtls fa-. critice I will prefenuo him the firn fruits oE my YOUth; In thefircngth of my agc will I , faU downe ~fore bim .,and if lliuc co old age, that weaknelfc wiJI not let my koees bow, nO,r my hands pe lified vp, yet {ball ..