This chapter demonstrates the limitations and foreclosures of the Occupy movement in London as an explanation for the lack of change, it set out at the beginning of this research to highlight the lessons and potential they demonstrated for future movements. The approach that Occupy took to resistance – asserting open inclusivity, horizontality and diversity as prefigurative democratic experiments – ultimately did not challenge neoliberal normativity, but instead reasserted that these were the baseline co-ordinates for the distribution of sensible politics. One approach is perhaps to start with a more genealogical politics, one which seeks to make the familiar unfamiliar and the normative abnormal. The benefit of occupying public urban spaces was the ability to tap into contextual narratives. If the need is to 'make non-sense appear' – as well as avoiding attempts to 'move them along' as 'nothing to see here' by the police order – then the ability to twist, refigure, and detourne this distribution is important.