With the development of microelectronic and digital signal processing technologies, data acquisition systems have been widely implemented. In industrial production, the technology provides an effective means to improve product quality and reduce cost by feeding back the technological parameters of the industrial production site to users or control systems. Temperature is one of the most common and important of these parameters in the process of industrial production. At present, with developments in industrial production, there are more and more situations that demand temperature detection, and the technological requirements of temperature monitoring are also increasing. In some scenarios, such as complex terrain, highly corrosive environments, architectural complexity, explosion, or where the monitored object is moving/rotating, a traditional wired system is valueless due to the wiring complexity or the impracticality of wiring. Here, wireless monitoring systems offer a significant advantage. However, there are also many problems associated with the majority of wireless temperature monitoring systems on the market, such as limited communication range, poor wireless communication quality, and unstable measurements. In this paper, a new wireless temperature monitoring system is designed. It combines wireless sensor network technology and embedded information processing technology, and is portable, has low power consumption, and improved performance.