Example 15.1.1 shows the placement ofthe Reference list relative to the other parts of a research report discussed up to this point in this book (see the arrow in the Example).

Example 15.1.1 Title in Upper-and Lowercase Letters

Abstract (a main heading; centered in bold) A literature review that introduces the research problem (with no heading)

Method (a main heading; centered in bold) Participants (a subheading; flush left in bold) Measures (a subheading; flush left in bold) Procedure (optional; a subheading; flush left in bold) Analysis (optional; a subheading; flush left in bold)

Results (a main heading; centered in bold) Discussion (a main heading; centered in bold) ~References (a main heading; centered in bold)

~ Guideline 15.2 Select a style manual and carefully follow its directions for preparing a reference list.