The most conspicuous outcome of the politics behind revolution, repression and reforms was the emergence of an all-India Moslem organization in opposition to Congress. With the spread of educational consciousness among the Moslem intelligentsia, the traditional socio-religious differences between the Hindus and Moslems got transferred to a political plane. There are many Mahommedans of position, culture and influence who wholly disapproved of the unholy alliance he entered into with Sir Auckland Colvin and the Anglo-Indian Press to vilify the Hindus and their political agitation', commented the Tribune. The Anglo-Mohammedan rapprochement of the period under discussion produced two notable results, namely, a deputation of leading Moslems to the Viceroy at Simla, and the birth of an all-India Moslem organization as a new political force in support of the Government. The innermost story of the Morley–Minto politics is contained in the genesis of the Deputation and the League.