Dr. Professor Millon, suggests personality styles are strongly influenced by adaptive strategies. Millon refines the use of personality style as fundamentally, "an ideal reference point to compare a person to, for conceptual and heuristic purposes". Addictive Hyper-Excited personality style captures the interminable adolescent motivated officer stuck in the maladaptive belief of invulnerability to danger. Hyper-Aggressive personality style is the rarest of all five in police and public safety officers. However, police officers' urban war zones mold and perpetuate what is afforded in the eco-ethological niches of combat parallels. An omnipotent motif from an eco-ethological existential analytic approach is acting out via aggression, which is legitimized in inverse proportion to the social distance of the victim in relation to the officer's identity. The persistent eco-ethologicality of adaptive functional dissociation in part suggests instrumental and intermittent reinforcement giving the illusion of mastery. This mastery becomes symbolically associated with alexithymia and altered states of consciousness where the officer becomes functionally numb.