No one can write about Leautaud without owing a very heavy debt to Mademoiselle Marie Dormoy. I am delighted to pay this tribute to a dear friend and remarkable woman who has spent years o f selfless devotion in making Leautaud’s work available and in furthering his literary reputation. I am also grateful to my friends the late Andre Billy, Marcel Jouhandeau and the omniscient Pascal Pia for many conversations and use­ ful detail about Leautaud. For reasons o f space alone I list alphabetically others o f his compatriots who have kindly helped me in my researches: Madame Gabrielle Fort, the daughter o f Alfred Vallette; M. Jacques Guignard, curator o f the Bibliotheque de 1’Arsenal; M. Claude Jouglet de Pontavert o f New York; Dr Raymond Mahieu, author o f an important thesis on Leautaud’s early years; M. Daniel Morcrette o f Luzarches; M. Jean-Paul Sartre; the lady who writes under the name of Veronique Valcault; the late Georges Van Parys, composer o f delightful music and collector o f manuscripts; and M. Lucien Vogt, the only man I have been able to trace who knew at all well Madame Cayssac, Leautaud’s consort.