This chapter presents an individual accounts to explore class consciousness/practices and its implication for class struggle. Par reported his perception of the tension between Swedish socio-cultural idealism, which was a commitment to equality and fairness, with an objective empirical reality that showed that there were recognisable elites, hence his conclusion that Sweden was not a "classless society". Martin reported his consciousness of on-going ideological changes at structural and individual levels, and revealed his perception that the neoliberalisation of Sweden's social structure was being consented to. Henning made an interesting point here about the history and nature of social democracy in relation to the historical antecedents emerging as part of contemporary empirical reality in Sweden. Zeynep pointed to her subjective empirical reality that had been shaped by many factors, including her ethno-racial and political identity, and indicating that this made her reality more complicated than simply an experience of humanitarianism and tolerance.