Section 1.10 discussed the basics of carrier (electron or hole) transport and mobility. It is straightforward to relate mobility to electrical conductivity. The current that flows through a crosssectional area A is


I Q dt


where Q is the amount of charge (Coulombs) that flows through the area in a time dt (Figure 9.1). The charge Q is given by the charge density times the volume of the cylinder that passed through the area:

(9.2)Q ne Av dtd= ( )( )

where n is the free-carrier concentration, e is the charge (±1.6 × 10−19 C), and vd is the drift velocity. Plugging Equation 9.2 into Equation 9.1 yields

(9.3)I nAv ed= The current density is given by

(9.4)j I A nv ed= =/

Because vd = µE (Equation 1.34), the current density can be expressed as (9.5)j E E= ≡( )neµ σ where σ is the electrical conductivity: (9.6)σ µ=ne

The resistivity ρ is defined as the inverse of the conductivity:


ρ σ µ

≡ = 1 1


From Ohm’s law, V = IR, the resistance R of a sample is given by

(9.8)R l A=ρ / where l is the length and A is the area through which the current flows.