This chapter looks at the social consequences of the G1000, that is, its social uptake, its impact within society. It analyses the spin-offs or the offspring of the G1000 which are experiments that came in its wake. One of the offspring of the G1000 is the G100 of Grez-Doiceau, a town in a rural area to the south of Brussels. The chapter provides an overview of how the Dutch G1000s aimed at abiding by high standards of legitimacy. It shows that the mini-public of the G1000 contributed to the larger debate about democratic innovations both in inspiring other similar and different experiences elsewhere and in illuminating debates about the role of election and sortition in contemporary democracies. All around the world, currently witnessing the rise of democratic innovations, all sharing the goal of promoting more participatory, deliberative and direct democracy, or aiming at rejuvenating electoral democracy.