In France, formal organization of the neo-Malthusian movement began during the same years as the match workers' agitation over white phosphorous. The first blow was struck in 1892 by Marie Huot, a nihilist exaltee, who gave a lecture in Paris in which she recommended Ia greve des ventres until revolution. 13 The following year, a Dr. Brennus published a book on contraception entitled Amour et securite. Both events created short-lived scandals in the press. Then in 1896, Paul Robin, an ex-member of the International, who was already known for his direction of an experimental coeducational school, launched the French branch of the Malthusian League, which he named the Ligue de la Regeneration Humaine. The organization, which consisted only of Robin and a. few friends for ten years, performed propaganda by word and deed: distributing literature, making speeches, and selling contraceptives. The League members also referred people to doctors who would supply other means. After their translation of a Dutch brochure on the latex pessary, Moyens d 'eviter les grandes families, iu the fall of 1896 the mass circulation weekly l'Eclair ran a series contrasting the ideas of Robin with those of the repopulationist demographer, Dr. Jacques Bertillon. This gave the League such publicity that its membership list swelled and legal action against its existence was threatened. 14 One year later, not many of the new members had renewed their dues. Insnh·encv continued until 1901 when two large anonymous donations arriv~d. 15 The League also suffered from personality problems until the temperamental 65year old Robin found a young dependable collaborator named Eugene Humbert. From that happy collaboration starting in 1902, the journal Regeneration appeared monthly and the movement grew.