This chapter discusses Stage 4: PF-VBCBC, where the emphasis will be on helping the coachee address their problem and implement a solution. It draws upon the author's experience of using REBC as the framework of choice in VBCBC. The chapter explains what the coach can do to help the coachee address their problem and implement a solution to that problem. While addressing their problem, the applicability of the cognitive behavioural model to the coachee's problem and potential solution is discussed and illustrated by referring to the insights of Rational Emotive Behavioural Coaching (REBC). A number of ways in which the coach can help the coachee deal with problematic thinking deemed to be at the core of their problem, the importance of behaviour in solidifying cognitive change and the desirability of making the PF-VBCBC an emotional impactful one for your coachee are also discussed.