Report prepared by staff of Civil Service Commission for Women in Top Jobs, PEP, 1968. (For Fulton Follow-up Form see Fulton Report Vol. 3 (2), p. 135.) Administrative Class Follow-up, 1966: Supplementary Report. An Analysis of the Ratings for Women on Individual Components of Job-Performance Objective 1. To compare between men and women rating on the seven aspects of performance (given in Part 2 of the Follow-Up Form). Method 2. Of the 596 Open Competition entrants1 only 42 were women. Since comparisons between samples which differ greatly in size are not theoretically advisable it was decided to extract a smaller sample of men, to be matched with the women on (i) Method of entry and (ii) Length of service, but to be representative of the male entrants in other respects. 3. Additionally, as a check on the sampling procedure, two such samples of men, equal in number to the sample of women, were taken and an examination made of the differences between them. No statistically significant differences were found, which indicates that the sampling procedure was adequate, and the two samples were pooled for the comparisons presented in Table 1, above.