The origin of this important caste is unknown, and all attempts to explain how and when it rose have been fruitless. In one part of the country the members claim to be of higher rank than the `Súdras, and repudiate that title; but in Bengal they are classified immediately below the Baidyá caste, with whom they live on terms of great jealousy. If we accept Kara]na,109 which means ‘a man of mixed race’, as synonymous with Káyath, the caste is descended from a Bráhman father and a mother of the class next beneath it in rank; but according to other authorities it is the issue of a Kshetriyá father and a Vai]sya mother. The Kaits, however, are better pleased to have their parentage doubtful than to be the reputed offspring of such an ignoble stock.