Saní, the Hindu Saturn, failing to adapt the elephant’s head to the mutilated trunk of Ga]ne_sa, Vi_svakarma, the celestial artificer, was sent for, and by careful dissection and manipulation he fitted the incongruous parts together, and made one Kedára Sena from the slices cut off in fashioning his chef d’oeuvre. It is further mentioned that Kedára Sena was ordered, to fetch a drink of water for Bhágavatí, weary and athirst. Finding a shell on the river’s bank full of water he presented it to her, being unaware that a few grains of rice left in it by a parrot had fermented and formed an intoxicating liquid. Bhágavatí, as soon as she had drunk, became aware of the fact, and in her anger condemned the offender to a vile and servile occupation.