An account of the East India Company's fourth voyage; with an appendix containing William Revett's 1609 account of the Seychelles, and reports on other places by merchants and seamen of the same period. Appendices: A. William Revett's account of the Seychelles. B. William Revett's narrative of events at Aden, his voyage to Mocha, etc. C. Captain Sharpeigh's account of events at Aden and Mocha, of the shipwreck, and of his subsequent journey to Agra. D. William Finch's description of Ma?ndu? and Gwalior. E. Coen's narrative of the visit of the Darling to Amboyna and Ceram. F. The fight at Patani and death of Jourdain. "Bibliography (by Basil H. Soulsby)": p. [375]-384. This is a new print-on-demand hardback edition of the volume first published in 1905.