Language arts teachers generally agree that they w a n t s tuden ts to com prehend w h a t they read, bu t they also w an t them to enjoy and appreciate literature. Is it possible to have one w ithou t the other? The num ber of s tuden ts w ho can read w ith unders tand ing yet choose never to read or even resist reading indicates that the answer m ust be Yes. On the o ther hand , young children w ho are unable to read a single w ord are often entranced w hen someone reads to them. They know good stories w hen they hear them even if they have not yet g rasped the significance of print. H aving the ability to read does not guarantee that a person will enjoy literature, yet people can a p ­ preciate literature w ithou t having the skill to read. M ost teachers (along w ith the general population) w ant s tuden ts w ho no t only can but do read-not just w ith comprehension, bu t w ith eagerness and appreciation as well.