At the beginning of this book, you looked at m iddle school s tuden ts as the m ost im portan t factor in p lann ing and conducting instruction. Then you explored m uch that is know n about teaching the processes and content of language arts at the m idd le level. The previous two chapters focused on how to bring all of these elements together to form an in tegrated whole. However, that in tegration will no t be complete w ithou t you. You will bu ild the bridges that connect s tu ­ dents and language arts in m eaningful ways. However, to achieve that end, you, too, m ust actively strive to connect yourself to contin ­ ued learning while you teach. I have never heard anyone say that they became a teacher w ith the in ten tion of being mediocre. N ever­ theless, m any teachers fail to excel. If you w an t to rise to the sta tus of Professional Educator, then you m ust set h igh standards for your continuing g row th and developm ent. The inform ation in this chap ­ ter will help you to achieve that goal.