Serious research about sexual appeals is difficult with so many dirty jokes circulating in the guise of criticism. An unexpected conclusion is that under condition of 'high nudity, males feel less tension than females', as well as 'more calmness', suggesting further research to incorporate subjects sexual orientation and possible terminal flaccidity, as well as proximity to the rutting season. From a teleological standpoint, the use of sexual appeals in advertising may not be appealing to viewers and may produce potentially negative side effects. The use of a controversial ad stimulus could evoke a wide array of related teleological- and deontological-based responses on a single dimension of ethical evaluation. Deontological philosophies focus on specific actions of the individual without consideration of the consequences of that action. Deontological theory states that the rightness or wrongness of actions and behaviors should be judged by the actions themselves without regard to the outcomes. Thus, deontology opposes the basis tenets of teleology.