The degree o f association across tests purported to measure EFs was lower than expected. In general, the strongest relations identified were for variables generated from the same test (for example, T O L : summary score, number correct, extra attempts; C N T 1+2: time and C N T 3 + 4: time). Moderate correlations were also detected within separate executive domains. In particular, variables tapping attentional control-processing speed were significantly correlated (DF, C O D E S , C N T ) , with more modest correlations evident for measures o f cognitive f lexibi l - i ty-monitoring ( D B , V F T , C N T 3 + 4). However, the goal-setting measures o f T O L and C F R T showed less clear relations. A s expected, results o f the principal components analysis were largely consistent with this pattern, identifying factors tapping attentional control-processing speed, online monitoring-planning factor, and accuracy. Two specific factors related to goal-setting skills, with individual factors for variables from the T O L , tapping into problem-solving aspects o f executive skills, and the C F R T , reflecting organizational abilities.