According to Bales and Strodtbeck's (1951) phase theorem, "[problem solv­ ers] go through certain stages or phases in the process of solving prob­ lems, [and] ... problem-solving would somehow be more effective if some prescribed order were followed" (p. 485). Summarizing the studies that tested the validity of the phase theorem, Nutt (1984) concluded that "the se­ quence of problem definition, alternative generation, refinement, and selec­ tion, called for by nearly every theorist, seems rooted in rational argu­ ments, not behavior" (p. 446). This conclusion is consistent with studies of naturalistic decision making that show that decision making is driven by sit­ uation assessment and recursive information search and option generation (Klein, Orasanu, Calderwood, & Zsambok, 1993).