This chapter utilizes Galician's 12 myths of sex, love, and romance in the mass media as a framework for analyzing portrayals of weddings and marriages. It traces Galician's myths of unrealistic portrayals of sex, love, and romance as they appear in popular films that feature wedding events, including the engagement, planning, wedding, and honeymoon. The chapter suggests two additional myths specific to these mediated wedding depictions in addition to exploring sites of Galician's myths as they appear in wedding films. It describes the methodology, including a list of the analyzed films. The chapter reports the occurrences of Galician's myths in these popular wedding films and provides two additional myths that might be added in relation to weddings and marriage that are not included in Galician's 12. In the end, the goal is to enrich own sexual, loving, and romantic relationships by avoiding and debunking destructive myths and substituting the rarely portrayed prescriptions.