The situation comedy Golden Girls boldly contradicts general myths and stereotypes of older women; what about the show's portrayal of romantic relationships? Galician identified 12 media myths of sex, love, and romance and recommended 12 prescriptions that counteract these myths. She contended that the media portray coupleship in idealized ways that lead audiences to unrealistic expectations about their own romantic relationships. In considering Galician's 12 myths and prescriptions and initially viewing the series, it was clear that four of the myths and prescriptions could be closely examined. Specifically, Galician stated that the media often portray the image that romantic partners are predestined, love at first sight exists, women must look like centerfolds, and men must be stronger than their female counterparts. Additionally, Galician offered corresponding 'prescriptions' to counter each myth. In an initial screening of the Golden Girls, several episodes indicated the presence of these myths or prescriptions. Galician identified each episode by using Lifetime TV's episode guide.