MECHANICAL VENTILATION ■ The initiation of intubation and mechanical ventilation is an

attempt to accomplish one, or all, of the following: ▲ Protect the airway or overcome airway obstruction ▲ Support or maintain pulmonary gas exchange ▲ Increase lung volume ▲ Reduce the work of breathing

Indications ■ Acute respiratory failure

▲ Respiratory activity is insufficient to maintain adequate oxygenation or ventilation (carbon dioxide clearance)

▲ Develops over a short period ▲ Hypercapneic (hypercarbic) respiratory failure-a reflec-

tion of inadequate ventilation, e.g., alveolar hypoventilation • When acute, a rapid rise in PaCO2, with an accompa-

nying drop in arterial pH (assuming no metabolic component), is observed.