Variety of Repellent Products ......................................................................................................305

Agents: Natural vs. Chemical ......................................................................................................307

Why Use a Natural Repellent Product? .......................................................................................307

References ....................................................................................................................................308

Prehistoric humans may have found that sitting around a smoky fire kept the pestiferous insects from

biting. This could have been the first natural repellent. This method is still used in many remote places by

indigenous tribes. Other primitive methods consisted of covering the skin with mud or applying a variety

of animal fats and greases. Native Americans rubbed cedar tree needles or used the fat from bear to

prevent the nuisances caused by the biting insects. Some wore various herbs and poultices around their

necks or on their clothing. Written records of repellents against insects were mentioned in classical

Roman literature by Pliny, the naturalist, and Dioscorides (AD 40-90), a Greek physician who described

how wormwood (Artemesia absinthium) could repel gnats and fleas.