Americans currently spend more money on natural remedies for osteoarthritis than for any other medical condition,

thus producing an extremely large and lucrative market for the multi-billion-dollar supplement industry. Osteoarthritis is destined to become one of the most prevalent and costly diseases in our society. It is estimated that currently over 21 million adults in the U.S. suffer from osteoarthritis; it is predicted that this number will double over the next 20 years. Increasing age, female gender, and obesity are risk factors. It is also known that athletes of all types frequently live with chronic joint pain often associated with overuse injuries; they present an additional multimillion-dollar market for the supplements. Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate have been widely publicized in the popular media as being capable of decelerating the degenerative processes, decreasing pain, and maintaining and improving joint function

in osteoarthritis and other conditions where joint pain is the result. However, studies have not been able to confirm these statements. There are numerous anecdotal reports to which supplement manufacturers refer. However, the majority of clinical trials have small sample sizes, little or no follow-up, and are sponsored by the supplement manufacturers.