Generalized linear models∗ (Nelder and Wedderburn, 1972) allow for response distributions other than normal, and for a degree of non-linearity in the model structure.

A GLM has the basic structure

g(µi) = Xiβ,

where µi ≡ E(Yi), g is a smooth monotonic ‘link function’, Xi is the ith row of a model matrix, X, and β is a vector of unknown parameters. In addition, a GLM

usually makes the distributional assumptions that the Yi are independent and

Yi ∼ some exponential family distribution. The exponential family of distributions includes many distributions that are useful

for practical modelling, such as the Poisson, Binomial, Gamma and Normal distri-

butions. The comprehensive reference for GLMs is McCullagh and Nelder (1989),

while Dobson (2001) provides a thorough introduction.