The operator and assistant should be surgically gowned complete with mask, headgear, and sterile gloves as they would for any major aseptic procedure. Protective lead-lined cervical collars and aprons should be provided for all personnel within the theatre complex and each individual should be provided with a personalized X ray dosimeter. As a therapeutic technique for the relief of pain, thermal radiofrequency creates a mechanical barrier that prevents the transmission of nociceptive information from a source that is responsible for the patient’s pain. A calibrated radiofrequency generator not only must adequately and unobtrusively illuminate temperature, amperage, voltage, and impedance readings, but it must also be compatible with the attachments including the electrodes and the dispersive/ground plate. In the anteroposterior projection, the mediolateral entry point lies on the transverse line established for the caudocephaloid trajectory and on a horizontal line that passes just lateral to the lateral margin of the target pillar.