Due to increasing concerns about health in recent years, much attention has been paid to the physiological functions of foods, including anticarcinogenicity, antimutagenicity, antioxidative activity and antiaging activity (Arihara 2004; Dentali 2002; Fernández, Fernández-López, Sayas-Barberá, and Pérez-Alvarez 2005; Hasler 1998; Heasman and Mellentin 2001; Playne, Bennett, and Smithers 2003; Pszczola, Katz, and Giese 2000). Efforts have been made by the food industries in many countries (e.g., Japan, the EU nations, the United States) to develop new foods with physiological functions. Foods having these physiological functions are known as functional foods (Rincón-Léon 2003; Roberfroid 2000).