The most ancient data about the use of NaCl in food preservation corresponds to the Bronze Age (Ismail and Wooton 1992). There is no doubt that the initial reason for using NaCl in food processing was its preservation activity. Nevertheless, its relationship with flavor perception is also very well known. Although preservation was the initial reason for using NaCl in the processing of dry-cured ham, NaCl has other important roles like imparting its characteristic salty taste, and influencing the lipolytic and proteolytic enzymatic activity in meat during its processing, which are strongly related to the characteristic texture and flavors in the final product (Aristoy

and Toldrá 1995; Belletti, Dazzi, Chizzolini, Palmia, and Parolai 1983; HansenMoller, Hinrichsen, and Jacobsen 1997; MacCain, Blumer, Craig, and Steel 1968; Sárraga, Gil, Arnau, Monfort, and Cussó 1989; Toldrá, Rico, and Flores 1993).