NONCOMMERCIAL LICENSE: MEDICAL CONDITIONS THAT MAY IMPAIR DRIVING A PRIVATE VEHICLE This section contains a reference list of medical conditions that may impair driving skills and recommendations for each one (Table 1). These recommendations apply only to drivers of private motor vehicles and should not be applied to commercial drivers.The corresponding recommendations are based on scientific evidence whenever possible, but the use of these recommendations has not been proved to reduce crash risk. (Although scientific evidence links certain medical conditions and levels of functional impairment with crash risk, more research is needed to establish that driving restrictions based on these medical conditions and levels of functional impairment significantly reduce crash risk.) As such, these recommendations are provided to assist physicians in the decision-making process and are not intended to be formal practice guidelines nor substitutes for the physician’s clinical judgment.These recommendations were adapted from

Stephen L. Kopecky, MD

the June 2000 “Preliminary Guidelines for Physicians” published under the auspices of the NHTSA. The review and guidelines were developed by the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine in cooperation with NHTSA.