Introduction T he function o f the sensory system is to provide infor­ mation to the central nervous system about the external world, the internal environment, and the position o f the body in space. Impulses traveling toward the central nerv­ ous system are called afferent impulses. Afferent infor­ mation may be transmitted 1) as conscious data that are perceived by the organism and then used to m odify behavior; 2) as unconscious data that, although used to modify behavior, remain unperceived by the organism; and 3) as both conscious and unconscious data. Afferent impulses are functionally subdivided into the following:

3. Special somatic afferent-sensory information relat­ ing to vision, audition, and equilibrium

4. Special visceral afferent-sensory information relat­ ing to taste and smell

Although introductory comments are made in rela­ tion to each of these afferent subdivisions, this chapter is concerned primarily w ith the organization and func­ tion o f the general somatic afferent system.