Organochlorine pesticides refer to all chlorine-containing organics used for pest control. e term, however, is not con ned to compounds of any single and speci c type of chemical structures or organic functional group(s), but includes a broad range of substances. e grouping together of these compounds is more or less based on the similarity in their chemical analysis. Many chlorinated pesticides that were commonly used in the past are no longer being used now, because of their harmful toxic e ect on humans and the contamination of the environment. Many such pesticides and their residues are still found in the environment in trace quantities in groundwaters, soils, sediments, and wastewaters. ese substances are stable, bioaccumulative, and toxic, and some are also carcinogens (Patnaik, 2007). Table 41.1 presents some common chlorinated pesticides, most of which are listed as priority pollutants by U.S. EPA.