Back in Chapter 2 we looked at the Perceptron, a set of McCulloch and Pitts neurons arranged in a single layer. We identified a method by which we could modify the weights so that the network learned, and then saw that the Perceptron was rather limited in that it could only identify straight line classifiers, that is, it could only separate out groups of data if it was possible to draw a straight line (hyperplane in higher dimensions) between them. This meant that it could not learn the difference between the two truth classes of the 2D XOR function. However, in Section 2.3.2, we saw that it was possible to modify the problem so that the Perceptron could solve the problem, by changing the data so that it used more dimensions than the original data. This chapter is concerned with a method that makes use of that insight,

amongst other things. The main idea is one that we have seen before, in Section 4.4, which is to modify the data by changing its representation. However, the terminology is different here, and we will introduce kernel functions rather than bases. In principle, it is always possible to transform any set of data so that the classes within it can be separated linearly. To get a bit of a handle on this, think again about what we did with the XOR problem in Section 2.3.2: we added in an extra dimension and moved a point that we could not classify properly into that additional dimension so that we could linearly separate the classes. The problem is how to work out which dimensions to use, and that is what kernel methods, which is the class of algorithms that we will talk about in this chapter, do. We will focus on one particular algorithm, the Support Vector Machine

(SVM), which is one of the most popular algorithms in modern machine learning. They were introduced by Vapnik in 1992 and have taken off radically since then, principally because they often (but not always) provide significantly better classification performance than other machine learning algorithms on reasonably sized datasets (they do not work well on extremely large datasets, since they involve a data matrix inversion, which is computationally very expensive). This should be sufficient motivation to master the (quite complex) concepts that are needed to understand the algorithm. We won’t be using any code in this chapter, since implementing an SVM is probably something you wouldn’t want to implement for yourself: some of the details of the algorithm, particularly the optimisation routine, are difficult to implement. There are several different implementations of the SVM available on the Internet,

FIGURE 5.1: Three different classification lines. Is there any reason why one is better than the others?