To creat e a figure or picture of any sort, at least tw o dim ensions need to be applied: height and wi dth. More adva nced artists or p erhaps archi tect s mig ht apply a third dimensi on, d epth. Two dimensi ons allow repres entations of reali ty to be placed on paper and expressed to other s. A single dim ension woul d literally amoun t to a dot on a page. Not much informat ion can be comm unicated by a dot on a page. Con sider Chapter 2 as a statistical dimensi on of c ritical infr astructur e (CI) inte rdepend ency and Cha pter 3 as an infor mation-flow dimensi on of interdepend ency. Neither of these dim ensio ns is perfect in its representat ion of the reality of CI interdepend ency, but they both contai n a certa in amoun t o f accuracy . Where they agree on an indication of inte rdepend ency, then the likelih ood that the indicati on is accurat e increases. Where these dim ensions disag ree on an indica tion of inte rdepend ency, then the likelihood that one or both are inaccu rate incre ases.