In this experiment, you will practice the procedure for proper alignment of a light microscope and observe selected materials at various magnifications.

Transmitted light compound microscope with illuminator 2. Microscope slides and cover slips 3. Sample manipulation tools: dissection needles, index cards, weighing paper, weighing boats,

small scissors, tweezers, scalpels, cellophane tape, small plastic or glass vials with caps or corks, unsharpened pencils with erasers

4. Tissues and lens paper 5. Oil of cloves (n = 1.543), oil of cedar (n = 1.505),


-monobromonaphthalene (n = 1.66) or commercial oils having similar n values

6. Set of mounted forensic reference materials 7. Human hair, tea, tobacco, synthetic fibers, cotton fibers

Review your notes on microscope alignment. 2. Review Figure 3.1 to become familiar with the microscope and its parts. 3. Align the microscope as described in your notes or the alignment instructions below. Take note

of any minor differences your instructor points out in your microscope or the procedure to be followed.