On the one hand, a few hundred years ago, the anatomic autopsy served especially for understanding the human body with regard to morphology and function. e aim of using cadavers then was to obtain anatomic and physiologic knowledge in order to understand basic somatic functions such as the makeup of the organs, the connections of the circulation system, as

6.1 Introduction 121 6.1.1 History 121 6.1.2 Clinical Autopsy 122 6.1.3 Forensic Autopsy 122 6.1.4 Virtopsy 122

6.2 Techniques 123 6.2.1 Conventional Clinical and Forensic Autopsy 123 6.2.2 Virtopsy 124 Photogrammetry-Supported 3D Optical Surface Scanning 124 Computed Tomography 125 Magnetic Resonance Tomography 126 Data Fusion 126

6.3 Comparison of Quality Aspects in Autopsy and Virtopsy 127 References 132

well as the nervous system. Today, anatomic sectioning serves primarily in the preclinical training of medical students.