It has been shown in Chapter 7 that the kinetic behavior of (micro)organisms can be described by the values of three biomass specic rates, namely the specic rate of substrate consumption, qs:

q mol substrate consumed/hour C-molX present ins

= the cultivation vessel

e specic growth rate µ:

µ = C-molX produced/hour C-molX present in the cultivation vessel

And the specic rate of product formation qP:

q mol product produced/hour C-molX present in thp

= e cultivation vessel

e values of these rates depend in the rst place on properties of the organism itself (which are determined by its genome) but also on environmental conditions such as the concentrations of compounds in the extracellular environment, e.g., substrates products and oxygen, pH, temperature (T), and pressure. During an experiment several of these factors are usually kept constant (e.g., pH, T, pressure).