Abstra t Mobile devi es su h as smart phones, personal digital assistants

(PDA), or ultra-portable omputers are used as the medium for a essing

heterogeneous distributed servi es in smart environment or mobile Internet.

As the Web be omes mobile, it raises various hallenges that make it unique

and distin t to the traditional Web servi e approa hes. Moreover, sin e mo-

bile devi es evolved, hosting Web servi es in mobile devi es has be ome a

reality. It brings about many possibilities su h as using a mobile devi e as

a moveable ontext information olle tor. However, it also raises many hal-

lenges derived from various areas su h as resour e onstraints, interoperability,

la k of standards, availability of tools, and other management-related issues.

This hapter des ribes these hallenges and indi ates possible resear h dire -

tions parti ularly the area of mobile peer-to-peer Web servi es and enabling

ontext-aware mobility support for Web servi es.