The health bene ts associated with protein consumption are well known, but our understanding of the role of bioactive peptides in the human body is limited.1,2,* There is no general agreement on which factors contribute to the non-nutritive versus nutritive bene ts of dietary proteins. However, it is nonnutritive effects, which de ne peptide bioactivity.† In this chapter, we consider dietary protein requirements in the light of emerging knowledge concerning peptide bioactivity, and take account of recommended daily allowances (RDA) for intake. We also consider possible changes to the RDA during illness. Protein intake and its relation to protein-energy undernutrition (PEU) is explored in the remainder of Section 3.1. The relations between protein quality and their health effects are discussed in Section 3.2. Current advice regarding the RDA for dietary protein and the effect of ill health on the RDA are discussed in Sections 3.3 and 3.4, respectively. In Section 3.5, we consider the hallmarks for peptide bioactivity. Finally, some major types of health bene ts associated with bioactive peptides are discussed in Section 3.6.