Diet as one of the most important lifestyle factors can strongly in uence the stress susceptibility, neurodegenerative disorders, and mental health. Our diet is composed of plant, and animal foods. Plant foods which are rich in phytochemicals, and vitamins show a variety of positive effects on health. Due to their positive in uences on stress, mood, and cognitive function plant foods might be preferred (Waladkhani and Hellhammer, 2008). Human studies indicate that persons who eat green or yellow vegetables every day show a lower incidence of the stress syndrome (irritation, sleeplessness) than those who do not eat them daily (Hirayama, 1992). Fruit, vegetables, and common beverages as well as herbs have been shown to be rich sources of the micro chemicals with different healthy effects. Due to ignorance, and indifference they are not identi ed as nutrients and essential to health.