Audit programs are procedures to be followed by accountants and auditors in the course of their examination of a business entity. ‚e examiner must collect various kinds of evidence relating to the propriety of the recording of economic events and transactions. Audit programs are guidelines for the examiner in obtaining and collecting šnancial evidence. ‚e auditor must collect and analyze evidence to support his/her attest function as to the business entity’s šnancial condition. ‚e fraud examiner must collect and analyze evidence to uncover possible fraud by employees, management personnel, or outsiders. While the auditor is primarily interested in obtaining evidence to support the attest function, the fraud examiner must obtain evidence that will convince a jury of peers that certain individual(s) have committed an economic crime. ‚e evidence required to convince a jury and to be admissible in court is much greater than it is to support the attest function. ‚is chapter gives the general guidelines that a fraud examiner must follow at a minimum. ‚e fraud examiner’s judgment should always overrule any audit program.