As the speaker, you must take charge of the speaking situation. This is no time to be tentative. If you appear to be comfortable and in control, your audience will become comfortable too. In order to take control of your speaking event, there are things you should do before you start talking, things you should do at the beginning of your talk, and things you should do throughout your presentation. In this chapter we will discuss each of these areas in detail. First, here is a quick overview:

1. Before the talk begins: Make sure the room is set up properly.• Take a few minutes to talk to your host and the early • arrivals. Take a few minutes to get yourself mentally prepared.•

2. At the outset of your talk, there are some more ways to maintain your control:

Be sure that you are properly introduced.• Let your listeners know what to expect.• Let your listeners know what is expected of them.•

3. Throughout your talk, there are several other responsibilities that you must fulfill:

Display a positive, enthusiastic attitude.• Connect with audience members using good eye contact • and pauses. Stay within your time limit.• Give a strong ending, then stop talking.•


It pays to be an early bird. Arrive at least 30 minutes before your presentation. Stand in front of the room and survey your situation. Walk around the stage, looking over the seats, imagining the people who will soon be there. Survey your domain until you feel as if you own it.