Molecular crystals are solid and periodic entities. They are deˆned by the nature of their molecular components and interactions between them in the solid state. Although crystals are described by the translation of the unit cell into all three directions of space (periodicity in three space directions); nevertheless, by considering crystals as supramolecular entities,1,2 one may describe crystals in terms of molecular lattices (a particular case of networks) by analyzing intermolecular interactions (speciˆc recognition patterns) and their geometrical features. Because the term molecular network has been widely used, we will continue to use it in replacement of molecular lattice, which would be a more appropriate term. In marked contrast

Introduction ............................................................................................................ 231 From Tectons to Networks ..................................................................................... 232

Self-Assembly and Self-Healing .......................................................................234 Molecular Recognition and Reversible Interactions ......................................... 235 Molecular Tectonics and Crystal Engineering .................................................. 236

Inclusion Networks: An Interplay between Concave and Convex Tectons ..... 236 H-Bonded Networks ..............................................................................................240