Most backgrounds are actually records checks or records searches, meaning that only records are checked and a thorough investigation is not completed. If this is a service subcontracted or hired out, be certain that there is a clear understanding of what is checked and provided, and the sources used. For most purposes, an initial check of public and private records is su‹cient. Depending on the information found, the nature of the background, and intended use, a complete background investigation may be warranted. Initially obtain all the records and reports related to the case. In reviewing this information, note address history, spouses, relatives, emergency contacts, insurance agents, employment, and any other relevant information to the case. Also to be considered is the purpose of the background investigation: part of an ongoing case (e.g., involved person or witness), preemployment, pretenant, personal relationship, curiosity, etc. ‚e purpose will dene both the records that should be checked and those that can be checked, as well as how they are checked and what can be released to the legal investigator and the client (landlord, employer, etc.). Several federal and state rules and laws govern this, and the legal investigator is advised to be current on all applicable issues. Remember, if it is not obtained legally, it is not evidence.