A polynomial /(x) of degree n > 0 in x is called homogeneous of degree n if for all q / 0

Let /(x) be such a polynomial in three variables. Then the points xp = [x y z]% satisfying /(x) = 0 form an implicit algebraic curve of degree n which also is denoted by / . Let the affine part of / be given by the inhomogeneous polynomial /(x ) = /(x , y) obtained from /(x) by setting z = 1 ,

where summarizes the terms of proper degree k. If the ideal line z = 0 is not a component of / , one has f n ^ 0 and /(x ) is of the same degree n as /(x)- In matrices /(x ) is written as

which is abbreviated by

which is abbreviated by / = xxnCyn .