Over the last two decades, the invasion and subsequent explosive expansion of freshwater invasive Ponto-Caspian dreissenids in Europe and North America have been focal areas for aquatic invasion research. Their vectors and mechanisms of dispersal, details of establishment and distribution, timing and pattern of paleoand recent invasion, integration into living communities, predictive studies, as well as prevention and consequences of their biofouling have been examined. In the European portion of the former USSR, the invasions of Ponto-Caspian species have a long history. The causes and consequences of these invasions in a variety of ecosystems are well documented [e.g., waterways (since the last quarter of the nineteenth century), cascades of water reservoirs (since the second half of twentieth century), power generating installations (since the 1930s), and irrigation systems]. The last eight decades of this invasive history provide some lessons in co existence and control of industrial fouling by dreissenids in a variety of facilities. At the “Periphyton and Fouling: Theory and Practice” conference held in St. Petersburg (October 22-25, 2008), it became clear that these mussels are currently a focal point for theoretical studies as well as the development of control strategies for bene cial and practical use (see www.zin.ru). At the same time, the south of Russia and adjacent countries are the native area for many invasive Ponto-Caspian species.