This chapter presents information on (1) the functions of nutrients in plants, (2) the effects of nutrients on plant growth and quality, (3) recognition of symptoms of deficiencies of nutrients, and (4) how to supply nutrients to plants. For most of the nutrients, specific metabolic functions in plants have been identified. Participation in these metabolic roles is a factor that makes an element essential. Because of the metabolic disorders associated with shortages of a nutrient, limitations in supply of any nutrient may restrict plant growth, development, and yields and cause appearance of symptoms of deficiency. Often deficiencies of nutrients are expressed in lower quality of produce. Increasing the supply of the nutrient will enhance growth and yields within limits and also will have effects on crop quality, for example, developing green color in a leafy vegetable crop. However, supply of nutrients in excess of the needs of a crop may have an adverse effect on crop quality, often lowering quality or suppressing harvest yields.