Each chapter within this text could have its own textbook on the topic. It is a virtual impossibility to assemble a text that is all encompassing with regards to subject matter, position description, and application to each instance within the “eld of public service. While the most popular topics of criminal justice and law have been covered up to this point, it is equally as important to recognize that there are many other areas of public service that an individual may choose to be involved in, and which the topic of ethics is of equal importance to a strong foundation. is chapter attempts to assemble a number of those which are typically le« out from other texts on the topic of ethics and, although not covered in as great of depth as those previous to this chapter, the reader will hopefully gain insight into other areas of public service to which the topic of ethics is of importance, and, thus, serve as an impetus to seek out other careers of applicability and apply the concepts discussed within the con“nes of this text to those “elds.