A problem that is extremely important in optics, microwave theory, antenna theory, and electromagnetics (EMs) in general [1-34] is the way radiation is transmitted, re—ected, refracted, and propagates through two-dimensional, inžnite homogeneous material layer systems. This problem has been studied for a wide variety of different material layers, e.g., isotropic dielectric materials, isotropic permeable materials, anisotropic dielectric and permeable materials, and bianisotropic materials. It has also been studied when a wide variety of different types of EM source radiation is incident on, or is present in, a layer of the planar system, e.g., incident plane wave, dipole source, line source, Gaussian beam, antenna source, waveguide-—ange system, and microstrip line source strip. The synthesis and design of isotropic, planar multilayer optical systems have also received considerable attention [11-13].